Monday 19 January 2015

London Marathon - Week 3 - 12/01/2015

M  6.02 miles (7:11mm)
T   11miles (2 @ 6:50 and 8 @ 6:27)
W  14.26 miles (6:43mm)
Th  7 miles (6:50mm)
F    11:04 (6:57mm)
Sa  6:04 miles (6:55mm)
Su  20:12miles (6:53mm)

Total Mileage - 75.5 miles

Heart Rate average beats per mile - 897
Resting HR 45bpm
Weight 152lbs
Garmin Vo2 score - 64

A strange week this week.  Household has been hit with streaming colds, with myself being affected to some extent.  I have not really been down and out with a cold like others around me, but have been suffering to some extent.
All week whilst running my Heart Rate seems to have been elevated above what I would normally expect, and certainly compared to previous weeks.  I think the lurking virus may have something to do with this.

On Monday I missed our club run as I was feeling particularly off colour, and for the remainder of the week I have been running at a subdued level.
By Sundays long run things were certainly picking up and I felt much better after this run, not least to get a 20 miler in the bag, and at a decent enough clip for this stage of the year.  Last year I notice that I was pretty much fitter, but I am hopeful it will come back to me before VLM.

My aim now is to keep this level of mileage as consistent as possible, looking at not dipping below 70 between now and taper time.  Week after next maybe troublesome due to work commitments, however will have to try and plan around it.

Monday 12 January 2015

London Marathon - Week 2 - 05/01/2015

M  10.03 miles (6:17mm)
T   5.6miles (7:11mm), 5.1miles(7:02mm)
W  13.6 miles (6:35mm)
Th  8 miles (7:03mm)
Sa  8 miles (6:16mm), 4miles(7:11mm)
Su  18.2 miles (6:56mm)

Total Mileage - 74 miles

Heart Rate average beats per mile - 885
Resting HR 45bpm
Weight 152lbs
Garmin Vo2 score - 65

Second week of serious marathon training and to be honest really not the best of weeks.  Have felt pretty tired most of the week and my HR seems somewhat elevated.  Maybe the efforts from the previous week.
Monday did not start off too bad with a decent enough club run from the Hornchurch track, but running this off the back of my longest run for almost 8 months the previous day was probably not the best idea.
Tuesday was my run commute day.  Everything prepared at work.  My backpack (with laptop, additional clothes etc.) did feel particularly heavy.  Made for a laboured run through a busy East London.  I prefer to run into work from Stratford following the canals, however time precluded this option and I therefore took a more direct run into work.  For the remainder of the day my left abductor was extremely uncomfortable.  Decision was made not to make the return run commute.
Once back at home felt a lot better and the 5 mile run in the evening did not present any problem.

By Friday I felt dead on my feet, so took an unschedule rest day.  Felt so much better for it on Saturday hence a speedy 8 mile ensued.

Sundays run was horrific.  Not my favourite route running up the A12, a bit dreary to be honest.  Made worse by the miserable windy weather and a late start to due to football commitments in the morning.  For about 10 miles felt like I was constantly battling the wind.  By mile 15 I was feeling pretty wasted and dehydrated (unusual).  Just glad to make it home and get in a nice hot bath.

On a positive note I did make all my running targets for the week.  8 runs as part of Jantastic and to get to at least 70 miles for the week.

Groin area from operation still grumbling a bit but manageable.  Hope the next week picks up a little, however weather does not look promising.

I hate the wind!!

Monday 5 January 2015

London Marathon - Week 1 - 29/12/2015

M  6.02 miles (7:10mm), 4.22(7:23mm)
T   10.80 miles including 5 miles at Tempo (5:47mm)
W  8.04 miles (7:03mm)
Th 12.21 miles (7:08mm)
F    8.04 miles (6:41mm), 4.12(7:13mm)
Sa  6.19 miles (6:56mm)
Su  17.40 miles (6:57mm)

Total Mileage - 77.4 miles

Heart Rate average beats per mile - 876
Resting HR 43bpm
Weight 154lbs
Garmin Vo2 score - 66

I must be the most erratic blogger on the planet.  I am not a natural wordsmith which results in a lack of inclination to blog.  I will try and keep up some consistency this year (I hasten to add this not a New Years resolution).  I am looking to post at least once every two weeks, if not more often.

The blog is to keep me running and honest and as much as anything else.

So this is the start of the next Spring Marathon campaign.  Will be looking at consistent mileage with at least one and hopefully two quality sessions during the week.  I notice that in the past my mileage, although at a reasonable level, has been somewhat erratic. I will endeavour to make sure that I am more consistent this time around.

Having run a 2:38 marathon at Edinburgh in 2014 I am really keen to get as close to 2:30 as possible. The first shot will be at VLM, but failing that the second attempt will be at Berlin later in the year.

I do feel that I am still recovering from my Gilmores Groin operation, as I still feel tender in places where I should not after a long run.  I sincerely hope this starts to rectify itself soon as it is almost four months since the operation.

Finally I should make no bones that I have stolen both training and blogging ideas from Jason Cherriman and Steve Way - hope they do not mind.