Sunday 19 January 2014

18 weeks to Edinburgh

Weekly Summary - 19/1/2014

Mon - AM 4.11 miles (6:58m/m) PM 10 miles (6:18m/m)
Tue  -                                             PM 9.62 miles (6:57m/m)
Wed - AM 9.1 miles (6:44m/m)   PM 4.1 miles (7:10m/m)
Thur -                                            PM 11 miles (6:24m/m)
Fri -                                               PM 8 miles (6:45m/m)
Sat -  AM 12.72 miles (7:05m/m)
Sun - AM 18.1 miles (6:44m/m)

Total Mileage = 86.9 miles

So that is the number of weeks training to go before lining up at the start of the Edinburgh Marathon. Seems like quite a long time, particularly when I see and hear everyone's plans around London. 

The last week has seen me post my highest weekly mileage for several years.  I hope I have not overdone it, but this evening as write I can feel some tenderness on the left side of my upper leg.
The week started off with an easy run lunchtime at work followed in the evening with a Steady club run from the track. Only myself and Matt this week.
Was hoping to get to the track for an interval session on Wednesday but work precluded that plan, and I am not sure I am ready for track work just yet.
Friday session at the gym was a decent quick paced 10 miler on the treadmill.
Saturday was a foray over to Weald Park where the ground made it almost unrunnable.  Was running with Matt and we both decided it would not be a good idea to persist with running of the very muddy terrain.  So switched to the road which was a bit of a mistake as now the 10 mile run morphed into a 13 miler.

Lastly a Sunday run on my own at a steady pace listening to Marathon Talk and the Now Show and eventually completing about 18 miles and a grand total of 87.9 miles for the week.

My first post on the v50 trail

Not renowned as a blogger this blog is to chart my running as I progress to my 5th decade.
My intention is to summarise my training each week and to provide both highlights and lowlights.
The objective is to be in the top 10 for v50 in 2014.
A number of key races on that journey have been entered
1. The Essex 20 - I love this race, although last year did not go to plan. Objective is for sub 2:01
2. Brentwood Half Marathon - starts and finishes by my front door. Be rude not to run it. Aim to get under 75 minutes again 
3. Essex Road Relays - run for the team, hope to get under 20 mins.
4. Braintree 5 - Another enjoyable run on the race calendar.
5. Greater Manchester Marathon - shan't be racing this as am 3:15 pacer. Treat as long training run.
6. Virgin London Marathon -  Another chance to run of the championship start. Not racing this year as not target marathon, will be a training run. Objective first 20 miles at 7mm last 6 mules at 6:10mm
7. Halstead Marathon - club has entered me so will take the opportunity to run. This a tough marathon with a fair few hills. I will look to run at around 6:50s and get just under 3, should mean a county medal.
8. Edinburgh - This is the target marathon - overriding objective is sub 2:40
There will be other races, but this takes me up to May.